Marine Science Grand Challenges

The FMRI Science Requirements Framework (SRF) will articulate the research capabilities that will be required to support marine science in 2040. This will form part of the evidence that the FMRI Board will use to inform their decision on the future investment in marine research infrastructure.

The SRF is structured around 5 Grand Challenges:

  • The role of the ocean in a changing climate,
  • Protecting biodiversity and ocean health,
  • Marine pollution: its sources, distribution and solutions,
  • Strengthening resilience to natural hazards and extreme events,
  • Sustainable blue economy and ecosystem services.

Grand Challenge Champions have been recruited through an open application process to facilitate the conversations that will contribute to the SRF. In moderating this process, FMRI has sought to build a diverse pool of Champions spanning all career stages and a broad range of research interests. The Grand Challenges are also supported by members of the Science Advisory Group.

The Champions

The role of the ocean in a changing climate

  • Dr Nathan Briggs, National Oceanography Centre
  • Dr Louis Clement, National Oceanography Centre
  • SAG Member: Dr Helen Czerski
  • SAG Member: Prof Claire Mahaffey

Protecting biodiversity and ocean health

  • Dr Nathan Briggs, National Oceanography Centre
  • Dr Sophie Clayton, National Oceanography Centre
  • Lorna Mhairi Farquhar
  • Dr Julie Robidart
  • Prof Willie Wilson, Marine Biological Association
  • SAG Member: Prof Kerry Howell
  • SAG Member: Prof Bhavani Narayanaswamy

Marine pollution: its sources, distribution and solutions

  • Dr Patricia Lopez-Garcia, National Oceanography Centre
  • Dr Clara Manno, British Antarctic Survey
  • Jon Rees, Cefas
  • SAG Member: Prof Bhavani Narayanaswamy

Strengthening resilience to natural hazards and extreme events

  • Dr Andres Payo, British Geological Survey
  • Dr Isobel Yeo, National Oceanography Centre
  • SAG Member: Dr Katrien Van Landeghem 

Sustainable blue economy and ecosystem services

  • Dr Adam Hughes, Scottish Association for Marine Science
  • Phoebe Lewis, Newcastle University
  • Dr Jonathan Smith, British Antarctic Survey
  • SAG Member: Prof Kerry Howell

Previous Champions

  • Dr Kristin Burmeister, Scottish Association for Marine Science
  • Mirsya Mulyani, University of Leeds

Join The Conversation

You can join the conversation by signing up to participate in the FMRI SRF Roadshows or participating in one of the other forthcoming SRF events. Or to be put in touch with one of the Grand Challenge Champions, please contact the FMRI Programme Office: