
NERC's BIO-Carbon programme, which seeks to gain a better understanding of the role marine organisms play in storing carbon in the ocean, has successfully completed a major research expedition co-funded by the FMRI programme.

FMRI has invested £1.0m over 2-years to enable the deployment of two, long-range autonomous vehicles to support the…


The FMRI Science Advisory Group (SAG) is now recruiting for up to four new members.

The role of this important group is to provide NERC and the FMRI Board with independent expert advice about the science case for the programme. It helps to ensure that the UK marine science community and international partners will realise the benefit of…


June is turning out to be a busy month for the FMRI programme. It is one week since our Lead Scientist, Katy Hill, was hosted by the National Oceanography Centre as part of the NOC Association of Marine Science National Capability Beneficiaries Annual Meeting. It was a valuable opportunity to look at the Science Requirements Framework (SRF) with current users of the NERC National Marine…


The last fortnight has seen our Lead Scientist Katy Hill and our Grand Challenge Champions facilitating the 'Marine Science in 2040' conversation at a series of national Roadshow workshops in Edinburgh, Liverpool and Exeter. Our thanks to the 59 delegates who signed-up to contribute to the Science…


We are pleased to announce the appointment of the Grand Challenge Champions who will be supporting the development of the Science Requirements Framework.

To discuss any area of the Science Requirements Framework, you can get in touch with the relevant Champions via the FMRI inbox:

The Champions

The role of…


UKRI have announced a £4m Infrastructure Fund investment in Future Marine Research Infrastructure: Accelerating Adoption of Sensor Innovation. This investment aims to demonstrate that sensor innovation can be rapidly developed into deployable solutions for marine science.

You can learn more about this call by…


Funded by FMRI, a team from the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) have been collaborating with the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency to overcome the challenges to securing the MGN 664 certification required for an autonomous platform to operate within territorial waters. As a result of this work, the team have secured the MCA approval for BAS to…


Advanced sensor technologies are the key to unlocking a marine research infrastructure that is cutting-edge, resilient to changes in the ocean system, reliable and responsive to future user requirements. FMRI therefore commissioned the National Oceanography Centre and Defra to co-host a community engagement exercise exploring the challenges and opportunities in Measurement Systems for…


FMRI has been funding the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) to undertake a demonstrator mission using a wave-propelled uncrewed surface vessel (USV) to recover scientific data from a sensor moored 1,800 metres deep in the Rockall Trough.

This is an incredible achievement by the team at SAMS and our [industry] partners at Autonaut and Sonardyne. We believe it is…


The Net-Zero Oceanographic Capability scoping study (2021) identified the expansion of marine autonomy as one option for a future research infrastructure. The FMRI programme therefore invited the Challenger Society and NOC Association for Marine Science National Capability to establish the joint Upscaling of Autonomy Working Group (UAWG) to explore this option in more detail with the marine…